AIO Launcher [Premium] 2.8.2arm64-v8amod

AIO Launcher [Premium] 2.8.2arm64-v8amod

Version: 2.8.2arm64-v8amod

Req: 5.0 and up

Latest update: 16.09.2020

Mod Info: ● Standalone Android Package ● Android App Bundle Repacked (Split APKs Packer v5.2.3): • Languages: None • DPIs: hdpi, ldpi, mdpi, tvdpi, xhdpi, xxhdpi, xxxhdpi • CPUs: arm64_v8a, armeabi_v7a, x86, x86_64 ● Premium features Unlocked ● Analytics Removed ● Release by Kirlif'

Mô tả AIO Launcher [Premium]

AIO Launcher is not ordinary home screen. It does not have colorful icons, many animation effects and a variety of themes. Instead, AIO Launcher uses a screen space to show you the most important information. AIO Launcher can display the following information on the screen: * Weather - current wea... xem thêm
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