Version: 1.2.12
Latest update: 29.01.2019
Note: File Data tải về chuyển vào thư mục /Android/obb/com.superretroduck.tinybirdgarden.
Seed reminder notifications added along with other bug fixes and refinements.
Mô tả Tiny Bird Garden
Welcome to Tiny Bird Garden, a game all about meeting, treating, and befriending Tiny Birds!Customize your own garden space with a variety of toys—will your garden be a cute one? Cozy and welcoming? Or maybe totally weird? Treat your feathered guests with Treats, or dress them up with over 10... xem thêm
Welcome to Tiny Bird Garden, a game all about meeting, treating, and befriending Tiny Birds!
Customize your own garden space with a variety of toys—will your garden be a cute one? Cozy and welcoming? Or maybe totally weird? Treat your feathered guests with Treats, or dress them up with over 100 different Hats/Accessories. Stage your garden like a Tiny Bird band or maybe give your garden a retro theme. It’s your bird call.
We’ve got Dinosaur Posters. We’ve got Bird Puns. We’ve got Birdie Gossip. We’ve even got Neon Sunglasses.
Welcome to Tiny Bird Garden. We hope you to see you soon!