StorySave 1.17.3

StorySave 1.17.3

Version: 1.17.3

Req: 4.2 and up

Latest update: 16.04.2018

v1.17.2. - Hashtag Stories are now displayed correctly. - Added checkbox to to enable downloading of live streams from all users that are not configured. . v1.17.0. - Added menu button to sort Saved Media items by Recently Saved and Recently Posted.. - Added ability to select which users Live Streams are auto downloaded for.. - Favourite Users now have their username, full name and profile picture synced. - Improved UI. - Fixed bug where incorrect date was shown when viewing saved Live Streams

Mô tả StorySave

StorySave let's you relive those moments again, by allowing you to save your friends Instagram Stories, Posts and their Live Streams.Once you have logged in with your Instagram account, use the tabs at the bottom to navigate between Posts, Stories and Live Streams.From there, you can see conten... xem thêm
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