Maystarwerk presents Poweramp skin white lizardthis poweramp skin theme is made for the discerning smartphone owner who demandsquality, precision and a unique design style. Personalize your Music player with finest Art design and color.Installing:this is a skin theme for Poweramp 2.x. This is not a... xem thêmMaystarwerk presents Poweramp skin white lizard this poweramp skin theme is made for the discerning smartphone owner who demands quality, precision and a unique design style. Personalize your Music player with finest Art design and color.
Installing: this is a skin theme for Poweramp 2.x. This is not a separate application. Install Poweramp 2 first, then the white lizard skin . After installing the theme. ( Settings > Look and Feel > Theme > white leather .)
Feel free to contact me if you have any problems or suggestions. Suggestions to: [email protected]