Mô tả Poweramp Dark Leather Skin
This is Poweramp skin. This is not a music player. Please install Poweramp at first.2-in-1: Dark Leather and Dark Leather MetalTheme with dark leather background. High quality graphic for HD screens.After installation switch skin in Poweramp settings.In Poweramp Settings —> Look and Feel &... xem thêm
This is Poweramp skin. This is not a music player. Please install Poweramp at first.
2-in-1: Dark Leather and Dark Leather Metal
Theme with dark leather background. High quality graphic for HD screens.
After installation switch skin in Poweramp settings.
In Poweramp Settings —> Look and Feel —> Theme (in Poweramp 2.0.6-build-508+).
Skins for Poweramp don't work on most devices from Huawei running Android 6.
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poweramp skin OR com.maxmpz.audioplayer.skin