Microsoft StaffHub 1.25.0

Microsoft StaffHub 1.25.0

Version: 1.25.0

Req: 4.2 and up

Latest update: 08.03.2018

We are happy to announce StaffHub is officially open to use for any work accounts linked to an O365 license! — “Hello"" to our Danish speakers. We now support Danish on our mobile and web apps. — Feeling Chatty? Chat it up with even more people using StaffHub! You can now have converations with anyone in your organization using StaffHub, even if they're on a different team.

Mô tả Microsoft StaffHub

Microsoft StaffHub is a cloud-based platform that slips work (and the tools to manage it) into everyone’s back pocket.With Microsoft StaffHub, firstline workers can view schedules, swap shifts, and request time off. Managers can create schedules, approve requests, and share information.On mob... xem thêm
Microsoft StaffHub Microsoft StaffHub Microsoft StaffHub Microsoft StaffHub Microsoft StaffHub

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