MaxLock 7.0.2

MaxLock 7.0.2

Version: 7.0.2

Req: 4.1 and up

Latest update: 05.04.2018

Full changelog in-app or on . 7.0.X:. - Bugfixes. . 7.0:. New. - Support for Android Nougat + Oreo!. - No-Xposed mode: Use MaxLock on Nougat & above without root/system modifications!. - Added adaptive icon support. - Locking customisations to fix some popular apps (WhatsApp, Instagram, …). Improvements and fixes. - Various changes and improvements to the locking algorithm. - Lots of fixes. - Updated translations, added some new ones - thanks a l

Mô tả MaxLock

MaxLock is an applocker based on the Xposed Framework. Unlike most other applockers, it uses a battery friendly and efficient event recognition method instead of a polling service.Features:- NO ADS, NO BLOAT, NO SCAM! (unlike most other applockers)- Free software licensed under GPLv3+- Two implement... xem thêm
MaxLock MaxLock MaxLock MaxLock MaxLock MaxLock MaxLock MaxLock MaxLock MaxLock MaxLock MaxLock MaxLock MaxLock

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