Light In The Dark Theme is for the new CM Theme Engine introduced in CM11.You will need to have a custom Rom that supports the CM11 TE installed on your phone or tablet.CM11, PA4+, and AOKP are some examples of the custom Roms.As many themers are focusing on L design I am doing this for those who lo... xem thêmLight In The Dark Theme is for the new CM Theme Engine introduced in CM11. You will need to have a custom Rom that supports the CM11 TE installed on your phone or tablet. CM11, PA4+, and AOKP are some examples of the custom Roms.As many themers are focusing on L design I am doing this for those who loves the DARK SIDE.. This is not an inverted theme, but a mix of Darkness (Black) and Light (White). I spend months doing this and learned from the best there is.. I will also be giving a SPECIAL EARLY BIRD and it will be only HALF the price.. I will be still updating the apps and will take any suggestions and requests for the icons if any. You can email me at [email protected] and I will reply as soon as I can. I will also create a G+ link and will update again.
Included in the theme Bootanimation Wallpaper Lockscreen wallpaper Fonts Full system style Framework Android Calculator Android Contacts Android Dialer Android Phone Android Keyboard Google Keyboard Android Lockscreen Cyanogen Filemanager Theme chooser And some I forgot! sound pack (ringtone,alarm tone, notification tone)
And also 1800+ icons!
Any other Rom you use it on is fine, but please don't leave bad reviews without contacting me first. More than likely it's a problem with other Roms not using the latest theme engine changes in their projects. Special mention for ones who were helping and pushing me - Lozone, Rayford85, El Nino1977, pfaffinator, Ljjehl, Miniterror, Tkruzze and napster113. And Also to Shick Aziz, My FKD, KA and Mala. I hope you will enjoy them as much as I do cos I love the Dark Side.. It's POWERFUL, trust me.. Thank you all for the support given as always..