Hero Legend 3.5.0

Hero Legend 3.5.0

Version: 3.5.0

Req: 2.3 and up

Latest update: 03.04.2021

1. Add Copy Ninja charater. 2. Add copy Ninja fragments treasure box. 3. Fix bugs

Mô tả Hero Legend

A very Big Bang indeed !Two bubble universes touched, and a new universe was born. the world begins to shake, a great blazing light shows forth, and lots of strange monsters appears, reaching out and out until...YOU need to gather the greatest Super Hero bros from all corner of the un... xem thêm
Hero Legend Hero Legend Hero Legend Hero Legend Hero Legend Hero Legend Hero Legend Hero Legend Hero Legend Hero Legend Hero Legend Hero Legend Hero Legend Hero Legend Hero Legend Hero Legend Hero Legend Hero Legend Hero Legend Hero Legend Hero Legend Hero Legend Hero Legend Hero Legend Hero Legend

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