This game will challenge your creativity and problem solving, and will reward you with beautiful and fascinating designs that you will have created. To win at this game you need to think in new and creative ways to design solutions that are efficient and use the least amount of resources to create the spells.
While there is an in game tutorial which will get you up and running quickly you may also like to visit us at the following locations to get more information.
To see the trailers go to inSPIREgames YouTube channel at
A more full featured tutorial and back story at the website:
These are your tools for handling magical energy:
§ Generator - creates raw energy
§ Transmuter - changes the symbol inside an energy
§ Shaper - changes the outside shape of an energy
§ Augmenter - augments the outside of an energy
§ Binder - binds multiple energies together to make an energy pattern
§ Doubler - replicates energy
§ Arm - moves energy between the other tools and activates them