Fortni Battle Royale : Unknown Battle 1.0

Fortni Battle Royale : Unknown Battle 1.0

Version: 1.0


Latest update: 16.06.2018

Fortni Battle Royale : Unknown Battle. . Play Fortni Battle Royale in fort battle royale mobile. . Step on to the mini battlegrounds in this fort night mini Battleground Survival, as you play for the victory royale on mobile in this free to play FPS royale mobile game. The rule of this dungeon battle royale game mobile is simple, and that is to drop on the fortni battlegrounds through the parachute glider within the blue hole, and take on waves of enemies and zombies.

Mô tả Fortni Battle Royale : Unknown Battle

Step on to the mini battlegrounds in this fort night mini Battleground Survival, as you play for the victory royale on mobile in this free to play FPS royale mobile game. The rule of this dungeon battle royale game mobile is simple, and that is to drop on the fortni battlegrounds through the parachu... xem thêm
Fortni Battle Royale : Unknown Battle Fortni Battle Royale : Unknown Battle Fortni Battle Royale : Unknown Battle Fortni Battle Royale : Unknown Battle Fortni Battle Royale : Unknown Battle