CPU / RAM / DEVICE Identifier 8.5.0

CPU / RAM / DEVICE Identifier 8.5.0

Version: 8.5.0

Req: 2.0 and up

Latest update: 01.05.2018

sorry.. health issues ... :(. google still do nothing about the stolen app from another gplay user.... (fake signing of my ufficial app?). . 8.5.0 Improved Mediatek-CPUs identification. . >>> WARNING <<<. DETECTED ON THE STORE A FAKE APP CALLED CPU IDENTIFIERS (with an S on the word IDENTIFIER). DO NOT DOWNLOAD THE FAKE APP!. >>> WARNING <<<. . 8.4.2 added a new CPU. 8.4.2 updated layout to 2014 edition. 8.4.0 Improved CPU identification for iphone clones Gal

Mô tả CPU / RAM / DEVICE Identifier

CPU Name / Ram Module / PCB name / Screen Size / GPU Name**************************************************************************DEVELOPEMENT STOPPED on 02-2014 for health issues :(APP SOURCES ON SALE! --- APP SOURCES ON SALE!APP ACQUIRED BY ASSEMBLER-COMPUTER GROUP ITALY**************************... xem thêm
CPU / RAM / DEVICE Identifier CPU / RAM / DEVICE Identifier CPU / RAM / DEVICE Identifier CPU / RAM / DEVICE Identifier CPU / RAM / DEVICE Identifier CPU / RAM / DEVICE Identifier

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