Chip Chain 1.1.16A

Chip Chain 1.1.16A

Version: 1.1.16A

Req: 2.2 and up

Latest update: 01.05.2018

- Fix issues with Android 2.x phones not working on latest update

- Screen won't turn off while planning your next move.

- Shop Update: Watch a Video to earn some free gems!

- Google Leaderboards and Achievements

Mô tả Chip Chain

"fun and addictive" "entertaining" "well crafted, simple and fun" "love it, addicting" "Highly enjoyable" "I can't stop playing" "fantastic" "blend strategy, thinking fast, and planning ahead" "Highly recommend... xem thêm
Chip Chain Chip Chain Chip Chain Chip Chain Chip Chain Chip Chain Chip Chain Chip Chain Chip Chain Chip Chain Chip Chain Chip Chain Chip Chain Chip Chain Chip Chain Chip Chain

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