Mô tả Call Control - Call Blocker
Call Control call blocker will automatically block calls from spammers and robocallers. Over One Billion calls blocked to date, Call Control is the original blocking app trusted by millions worldwide!Block Calls from Robocalls and ScamsBlock calls from the IRS scam, Microsoft Tech scam, Grandparent... xem thêm
Call Control call blocker will automatically block calls from spammers and robocallers. Over One Billion calls blocked to date, Call Control is the original blocking app trusted by millions worldwide!
Block Calls from Robocalls and Scams
Block calls from the IRS scam, Microsoft Tech scam, Grandparent scam and block calls from thousands of other scammers.
Blacklist and Block Anyone
Block calls from anyone by adding them to your personal blacklist.
Search Any Number
Free search to find out who's calling.
Call Control block calls silently so you're not bothered with spam calls.
- Block both calls and text messages.
- CommunityIQ feature blocks millions of robocalls based on user-generated insights.
- Enhanced Caller ID—Know who’s calling you, even if you don’t have the number as a contact.
- Personal Blacklist - Block calls from any phone number or area code.
- Block calls from violators of the FTC/FCC Do Not Call list.
- Do Not Disturb - Easily schedule when you don’t want to receive calls.
Join a community of over 12M people who trust Call Control to take back their phones.
App Permissions Overview
We maintain extremely high ethical standards surrounding the permissions you grant to us and the private information Call Control has access to and are committed to using this information only to make Call Control function in the manner that you specifically determine.
Click on the link below for an explanation of the permissions required to run Call Control and how we use the permissions that are granted ethically and with respect of your privacy. https://www.callcontrol.com/call-control-app-permissions