Mô tả AppChoices
Did you know that some of the ads you receive in apps are customized based on predictions about your interests generated from your app usage? AppChoices gives you choices about whether you receive this type of advertising that is based on cross-app data collected over time across different apps and... xem thêm
Did you know that some of the ads you receive in apps are customized based on predictions about your interests generated from your app usage? AppChoices gives you choices about whether you receive this type of advertising that is based on cross-app data collected over time across different apps and devices. To opt out with a particular company, simply set the switch next to the company’s logo from “ON” to “OFF.” AppChoices lets you decide which, if any, participating companies deliver interest-based advertising to your device.
When it comes to ads in your apps based on your interests, it’s your choice.
AppChoices ahora también está disponible en español. Solo establece la configuración al idioma español.
You may still receive other types of advertising in your apps from participating DAA companies, and these companies (and other apps) may still collect information for other purposes consistent with the DAA Principles. You can learn more about these Principles and the DAA’s enforcement and accountability program by visiting www.aboutads.info/enforcement.
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