Mô tả AAA VR Cinema Cardboard 3D SBS
Unlimited video length, full features and free VR cinema app for cardboard.NOTE: Google Cardboard or compatible VR headset is required.What's new- Android 6.0, 6.0.1, 7.0, 7.1, 7.1.1 and 7.1.2 are supported- Screen size is considered in distortion correction mode.- "Cardboard" app&apo... xem thêm
Unlimited video length, full features and free VR cinema app for cardboard.
NOTE: Google Cardboard or compatible VR headset is required.
What's new
- Android 6.0, 6.0.1, 7.0, 7.1, 7.1.1 and 7.1.2 are supported
- Screen size is considered in distortion correction mode.
- "Cardboard" app's cardboard device setting is used for distortion correction.
- Video mode will be detected by file name wisely. E.g. "example_180_sbs.mp4" will be played side-by-side 180 mode.
- Rotation killer mode is added to head tracking option. This will fix rotation issues on some devices.
- Pure gyro mode is added to head tracking option
- Crashes on starting app are fixed
- Crash on Zenfone is fixed
- Finder performance is improved dramatically
- All ui performance is improved
- Bluetooth mouse is disabled temporary to fix performance issue
- App will crash when you open file that contains "%" in the file name. Please rename and open the file
Thank you very much for your feedback!
- Unlimited video length supported
- Superview 180° VR
- 180º Head Tracking: Side-by-side stereo 180° VR
- 360º 3D: Left and Right eye 360 movie for a full 3D VR experience
- Side-by-side stereo 3D movie
- Top-bottom stereo 3D movie
- 360° panorama video
- Single video
- Screen size options
- Graphic option enables non-high performance devices to play videos
- 4 Head tracking modes are available
- Video selection in VR mode is supported. You can select and play other videos without taking off device from case.
- NAS (Network attached storage) is supported. You can play video in NAS via NAS android app like "ES File Explorer".
- Subtitle file (.srt) is supported. A *.SRT file in same folder/filename as movie file will be used.
e.g.) /sdcard/Download/movie.mp4 and /sdcard/Download/movie.srt
- Classify side-by-side or top-bottom video automatically
- Resetting head feature rotation. You can lie on a bed and watch cinema
- Drift removal system. You can watch long video without any drifting effect
- Finder. You can play any videos in Android
- Tight integration with Google's gallery app. You can also play video form Gallery directly via share button
- Move head position forward, backward, up and down.
- Volume control
- Play, Pause, Forward and Rewind
- Video thumbnail
- Full HD mp4 videos
- Screen size option is added. You can select any size between 10 to 170.
- Head tracking options are added.
You can select new "No Roll" mode or "tough mode". If you have drift, please try these new modes.
- Graphics options is added. Black out or vertical strip on some devices will be fixed by disabling "distortion correction".
- Immersive 3D SBS
About Candlify Technologies:
We are developer focused on Virtual Reality mobile app that work with Google Cardboard, etc.
If you want to ask us to develop your Virtual Reality mobile app , please feel free to contact us.
HP: http://vrplayer.candlify.com
Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/pages/AAA-VR-Player-Cardboard/343236979218584
Google Plus: https://plus.google.com/u/0/105901039074756445189